Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Power of your Purchase

Have you ever heard the above saying before? With Christmas only four days away, it is peak season for shopping across the globe. Walking through a shopping mall can leave you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Everyone is on the look out for the perfect gift, at the perfect price. Finding that magical present for that special someone in your life can leave you with a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind.

At Hope Home, our Christmas list is the same as our wish list. Despite the girls being from ages 9 to 15, you won't find many similarities in their Christmas list to other girls their age. On the list you can find items like blankets, sanitary napkins, and eating utensils.

Why would anyone ask for a blanket for Christmas?! These thirteen girls are in need of everyday items to be able to move into Hope Home. Hope Home will provide them with a much better gift than toys or sweets- a safe and loving home. This is something that each one of our girls does not have right now, as they are all living in a home where they are abused. Your donation to help purchase the much needed supplies for the home will help rescue thirteen girls!

I know many people are probably wondering..
"How can purchasing an item truly rescue a girl? "

Hope Home has three basic needs we must meet to be able to open the home. This is rent, food, and the individual and collective needs of the home. These are things like beds, curtains, shoes, laundry shop, etc.

The home will only be able to open once every girl has the majority of her needed items purchased for her, as well as the collective needs of the home. By purchasing a blanket ($9.10) for Tracy or a mattress($31) for Molly, or even the curtains and door for the home($45), you are bringing all the girls one step closer to being able to be rescued and live at Hope Home.

This Christmas, please consider adding one of our girls to your Christmas list.

Happy Holidays,
From our future home to yours!

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